Monday, November 9, 2009

Google Analytics

One of my biggest hang ups about writing in a blog is that I just have never thought that anyone would ever read it. To me writing in a blog was just like writing in a journal that you know could possibly be read by your parents or complete strangers, but probably wasn't going to be read by anyone. Thus this blog has sat here for months and months as a forgotten tribute to a writing class that I had spring semester.
That is, until today (perhaps...), all thanks to google analytics. I've been wanting to play around with it for sometime now and it's actually pretty neat. It gives detailed information about the number of visitors that come to visit your site. I was surprised to discover that a few days after I published my last post that I actually had visitors (8 yesterday)... I know I know, I'm not about to be listed as one of the top sites on the web, but it does give me a little bit of external motivation to post about my life and such. So thanks Google Analytics. Now maybe those eight visits will finally start to get new things to read on a more frequent basis...

1 comment:

Jill said...

Facebook status is a good idea. I looked